Acne though seems similar on the outside are not always the same. There are different types of acne which differs with the cause, infective organism as well as the level of infection.

Different kinds of acne

Acne can be classified depending on the depth and condition of infection and the level of clogging. Some of the common types are

  • Whiteheads

Also known as closed comedo, these are very small and remain under the skin. They appear as small, flesh-coloured papules. Here the dead cells mostly consist of dead white blood cells, giving it the white colour.

This is in fact the initial stage of acne formation caused due to plugging of sebaceous gland.

  • Blackheads

This is known as an open comedo. These open comedos are clearly visible to naked eye. They are black and appear on the surface of the skin, slightly above the surface of your facial skin. Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their colour, and scrub their faces vigorously. Well this does not help and may irritate the skin and cause other problems.

Make sure what exactly is the black head and then try to treat it.

  • Papules

Papules are pink in colour and do not contain pus but would irritate your skin and aggravate your existing pimples which end up with a permanent acne scar. They are solid and rounded bumps and erupt above the skin with definite boundary.

The bump consists of white blood cells which are vigorously fighting the bacteria, and hence the pink colour.

  • Pustules

These are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base is red and the pus is on the top. The pustules are larger that the papules and are highly infected. Inside these pustules pus and the metabolic wastes of bacteria are present along with dead cells.

This makes it infectious and also has bad odour. There is a white and yellow centre. This centre acts as a stalk of the pustule.

  • Nodules

These are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger. They can be painful and are embedded deep in the skin. These when left unattended would soon form dents in skin which is almost impossible to remove. These acne scars need more attention and better medication to remove acne scars.

  • Cysts

These are clearly visible on the surface of the skin and are quite hardened. They are filled with pus and are usually very painful. Cysts commonly cause scars which have a pitted look.

Back Acne

These types of acne appear during puberty and mostly appear on your back, seen more commonly in men than women. The back acne too are painful and hard to get rid of.

Utmost care should always be given while treating pimple, hence it is advisable not to scratch, pick, rub or scrub as it would get worse. One of the best ways of treating your pimples is always keeping your skin clean and fresh, ensuring a good 8 hrs sleep every night, drinking 8 glasses of water daily, eating healthy and regular exercise.

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