Acne, can be caused due to a number of reasons, if you know exactly what the cause is for your acne and the exact type of acne, curing acne will not be a big problem.

The most common causes of acne are listed below


The hormone androgen which the body begins to secrete at puberty causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge is responsible for flare-ups during teenage, menopause and menstrual cycle. This hormone is very important for attaining puberty. Problem occurs owing to the fact that you body is not used to this new hormone and hence tries to react to it.

Increase in body heat, increase in stress, palpability and so on are seen as a reaction to this hormone. Acne thus is caused too.

Extra Sebum

Sebum oil is produced when the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens which make it way up the follicle where the chances of clogging causes pimple.

When the sebaceous gland is clogged, the dead cells present on the upper layer makes it impossible to break through and thus the gland swells.

The swollen gland becomes a breeding ground for bacteria present in the skin and air, making the swollen gland infected pus is formed from which the bacteria spreads to other such clogged sebaceous glands.

Follicle Fallout

The dead skin cells which usually shed mix with excess sebum and form a plug in the follicle. This prevents the skin from finishing its natural process. The dead skin since is devoid of its natural cellular functions does not fight bacteria when infected.

The normal live cells fight bacteria and expel them out of their system, the dead cells do not. This is the reason that forms the main cause of acne when dead cells of skin are not removed regularly from the skin surface.


Acne bacteria multiply rapidly which results in inflammation in the follicle and surrounding skin due to chemical reaction. Bacteria are present on the surface of the skin always trying to enter it and when they see a swollen cell they immediate attack it.

These bacteria while multiplying give out substances that are harmful to the cell and the cells react by producing pus. Although pus is a reaction to the bacterial infection from the cell, it causes lot of pain and also irritation.

It is the pus that induces you to pick the pimple, you must understand that pressing out the pus is not an end to acne problem not is it an acne treatment.


An army of white blood cells are sent when unwanted bacteria comes in contact with the acne. This makes the pimple red, swollen and painful. The white blood cells of a normal living cell always are ready for the fight which misses in the dead cell.


When you are stressed out the natural defences in your body are depressed to match the signals sent from your brain. This makes your immune system an easy prey for external infectious agents. Your skin is no exception, and hence becomes infected with bacteria.

Imbalanced Diet

Taking in too much of oily food, hormone enriched food, preserved food and also genetically modified food causes increase or decrease in your hormone production. This affects your oil producing sebaceous glands to produce more oil and thereby invite bacteria to bring about acne.

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